Yoga Is the New Mantra to Help Your Body Pain

Over the last decade, yoga popularity in the United States has risen exponentially. It is estimated that 36 million Americans are now regularly practicing yoga, and at least one in three. While yoga is the most common among younger and middle-aged women, there have been more than two times more men practicing yoga in the past couple of years and the number of men practicing yoga has tripled over time.

But how does yoga exactly help to build a stronger approach for pain management?

Help in Pain

In certain pain conditions, yoga can be helpful — arthritis in knees, neck pain, fibromyalgia and headaches. There is growing evidence of yoga. Yoga’s success in treating chronic low back pain is perhaps the most important testimony. Yoga is shown to be effective at reducing back pain in some studies, and in at least one study, the use of pain medicine in patients with yoga was decreased. The new American College of Physicians evidence-based recommendations strongly suggests yoga for low-back pain.


Research also seems to suggest that yoga can enhance the role of daily work. In daily yoga practice, strength can be increased for the legs, upper part of the body and heart, and even essential flexibility and balance or the elderly. There have been many studies in which both low-back pain and arthritis patients become more interested in yoga.


Yoga also may provide an indirect relaxation through improved sense of well-being, stress management and motivation and resilience. Research also shows that yoga practice may be related to other healthy lifestyle patterns, such as smoking cessation, healthy eating, and weight loss. Yoga also has mental health benefits. Research has shown that it can play a valuable role in depression and anxiety recovery.

By comparison to seeing yoga simply as practice, it is beneficial for both the mental and the body. If you’re new to yoga, figuring out where to start can look a bit overwhelming, particularly because there are so many different kinds of yoga. Ashtanga and vinyasa, yin, iyengar focus on postures and alignments.

Health Benefits of Yoga


In different muscles and muscle groups, yoga has impacts to strengthen them. Yoga holding positions is not intended to be uncomfortable. Concentrations and precise use of muscles in the body are therefore important. By staying in yoga poses and integrating different movements, muscle strength increases.

Most positions in yoga softly strengthen the muscles of the back and the abdomen. Back and abdominal muscles are essential components of the backbone muscles that help the body remain upright and move. Back pain may be significantly minimized or eliminated if these muscles are well-conditioned.


Yoga requires stretching and relaxation, reducing intense muscle tension. Yoga needs the individual to have mild poses anywhere between 10 and 60 seconds. In the pose some muscles contract, while others stretch, facilitating muscles and joints relaxation and flexibility.


Yoga makes the body flexible and supple. Practice makes the body to have better posture and improved body balance. The body gets better balancing sense keeping the head, shoulders and the pelvis in the right alignment.

To learn yoga poses and to get help on this ancient practice, visit pain clinic in OKC. At Longevity Regenerative Institute we will help you to get rid of the pain.

**Disclaimer: This content should not be considered medical advice and does not imply a doctor- patient relationship.

Originally published at on April 6, 2020.



Longevity Regenerative Institute

Pain Management Clinic in OKC | Our medical clinic specializes in hormone replacement, family medicine, primary care and more.